2,283 research outputs found

    How Many Dissimilarity/Kernel Self Organizing Map Variants Do We Need?

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    In numerous applicative contexts, data are too rich and too complex to be represented by numerical vectors. A general approach to extend machine learning and data mining techniques to such data is to really on a dissimilarity or on a kernel that measures how different or similar two objects are. This approach has been used to define several variants of the Self Organizing Map (SOM). This paper reviews those variants in using a common set of notations in order to outline differences and similarities between them. It discusses the advantages and drawbacks of the variants, as well as the actual relevance of the dissimilarity/kernel SOM for practical applications

    Graphs in machine learning: an introduction

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    Graphs are commonly used to characterise interactions between objects of interest. Because they are based on a straightforward formalism, they are used in many scientific fields from computer science to historical sciences. In this paper, we give an introduction to some methods relying on graphs for learning. This includes both unsupervised and supervised methods. Unsupervised learning algorithms usually aim at visualising graphs in latent spaces and/or clustering the nodes. Both focus on extracting knowledge from graph topologies. While most existing techniques are only applicable to static graphs, where edges do not evolve through time, recent developments have shown that they could be extended to deal with evolving networks. In a supervised context, one generally aims at inferring labels or numerical values attached to nodes using both the graph and, when they are available, node characteristics. Balancing the two sources of information can be challenging, especially as they can disagree locally or globally. In both contexts, supervised and un-supervised, data can be relational (augmented with one or several global graphs) as described above, or graph valued. In this latter case, each object of interest is given as a full graph (possibly completed by other characteristics). In this context, natural tasks include graph clustering (as in producing clusters of graphs rather than clusters of nodes in a single graph), graph classification, etc. 1 Real networks One of the first practical studies on graphs can be dated back to the original work of Moreno [51] in the 30s. Since then, there has been a growing interest in graph analysis associated with strong developments in the modelling and the processing of these data. Graphs are now used in many scientific fields. In Biology [54, 2, 7], for instance, metabolic networks can describe pathways of biochemical reactions [41], while in social sciences networks are used to represent relation ties between actors [66, 56, 36, 34]. Other examples include powergrids [71] and the web [75]. Recently, networks have also been considered in other areas such as geography [22] and history [59, 39]. In machine learning, networks are seen as powerful tools to model problems in order to extract information from data and for prediction purposes. This is the object of this paper. For more complete surveys, we refer to [28, 62, 49, 45]. In this section, we introduce notations and highlight properties shared by most real networks. In Section 2, we then consider methods aiming at extracting information from a unique network. We will particularly focus on clustering methods where the goal is to find clusters of vertices. Finally, in Section 3, techniques that take a series of networks into account, where each network i

    Dissimilarity Clustering by Hierarchical Multi-Level Refinement

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    We introduce in this paper a new way of optimizing the natural extension of the quantization error using in k-means clustering to dissimilarity data. The proposed method is based on hierarchical clustering analysis combined with multi-level heuristic refinement. The method is computationally efficient and achieves better quantization errors than theComment: 20-th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2012), Bruges : Belgium (2012

    Exact ICL maximization in a non-stationary temporal extension of the stochastic block model for dynamic networks

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    The stochastic block model (SBM) is a flexible probabilistic tool that can be used to model interactions between clusters of nodes in a network. However, it does not account for interactions of time varying intensity between clusters. The extension of the SBM developed in this paper addresses this shortcoming through a temporal partition: assuming interactions between nodes are recorded on fixed-length time intervals, the inference procedure associated with the model we propose allows to cluster simultaneously the nodes of the network and the time intervals. The number of clusters of nodes and of time intervals, as well as the memberships to clusters, are obtained by maximizing an exact integrated complete-data likelihood, relying on a greedy search approach. Experiments on simulated and real data are carried out in order to assess the proposed methodology

    Modularity-Based Clustering for Network-Constrained Trajectories

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    We present a novel clustering approach for moving object trajectories that are constrained by an underlying road network. The approach builds a similarity graph based on these trajectories then uses modularity-optimization hiearchical graph clustering to regroup trajectories with similar profiles. Our experimental study shows the superiority of the proposed approach over classic hierarchical clustering and gives a brief insight to visualization of the clustering results.Comment: 20-th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2012), Bruges : Belgium (2012

    A Triclustering Approach for Time Evolving Graphs

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    This paper introduces a novel technique to track structures in time evolving graphs. The method is based on a parameter free approach for three-dimensional co-clustering of the source vertices, the target vertices and the time. All these features are simultaneously segmented in order to build time segments and clusters of vertices whose edge distributions are similar and evolve in the same way over the time segments. The main novelty of this approach lies in that the time segments are directly inferred from the evolution of the edge distribution between the vertices, thus not requiring the user to make an a priori discretization. Experiments conducted on a synthetic dataset illustrate the good behaviour of the technique, and a study of a real-life dataset shows the potential of the proposed approach for exploratory data analysis

    Exact ICL maximization in a non-stationary time extension of the latent block model for dynamic networks

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    The latent block model (LBM) is a flexible probabilistic tool to describe interactions between node sets in bipartite networks, but it does not account for interactions of time varying intensity between nodes in unknown classes. In this paper we propose a non stationary temporal extension of the LBM that clusters simultaneously the two node sets of a bipartite network and constructs classes of time intervals on which interactions are stationary. The number of clusters as well as the membership to classes are obtained by maximizing the exact complete-data integrated likelihood relying on a greedy search approach. Experiments on simulated and real data are carried out in order to assess the proposed methodology.Comment: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN), Apr 2015, Bruges, Belgium. pp.225-230, 2015, Proceedings of the 23-th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2015

    Block modelling in dynamic networks with non-homogeneous Poisson processes and exact ICL

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    We develop a model in which interactions between nodes of a dynamic network are counted by non homogeneous Poisson processes. In a block modelling perspective, nodes belong to hidden clusters (whose number is unknown) and the intensity functions of the counting processes only depend on the clusters of nodes. In order to make inference tractable we move to discrete time by partitioning the entire time horizon in which interactions are observed in fixed-length time sub-intervals. First, we derive an exact integrated classification likelihood criterion and maximize it relying on a greedy search approach. This allows to estimate the memberships to clusters and the number of clusters simultaneously. Then a maximum-likelihood estimator is developed to estimate non parametrically the integrated intensities. We discuss the over-fitting problems of the model and propose a regularized version solving these issues. Experiments on real and simulated data are carried out in order to assess the proposed methodology

    A Discussion on Parallelization Schemes for Stochastic Vector Quantization Algorithms

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    This paper studies parallelization schemes for stochastic Vector Quantization algorithms in order to obtain time speed-ups using distributed resources. We show that the most intuitive parallelization scheme does not lead to better performances than the sequential algorithm. Another distributed scheme is therefore introduced which obtains the expected speed-ups. Then, it is improved to fit implementation on distributed architectures where communications are slow and inter-machines synchronization too costly. The schemes are tested with simulated distributed architectures and, for the last one, with Microsoft Windows Azure platform obtaining speed-ups up to 32 Virtual Machines

    Lasso based feature selection for malaria risk exposure prediction

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    In life sciences, the experts generally use empirical knowledge to recode variables, choose interactions and perform selection by classical approach. The aim of this work is to perform automatic learning algorithm for variables selection which can lead to know if experts can be help in they decision or simply replaced by the machine and improve they knowledge and results. The Lasso method can detect the optimal subset of variables for estimation and prediction under some conditions. In this paper, we propose a novel approach which uses automatically all variables available and all interactions. By a double cross-validation combine with Lasso, we select a best subset of variables and with GLM through a simple cross-validation perform predictions. The algorithm assures the stability and the the consistency of estimators.Comment: in Petra Perner. Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, Jul 2015, Hamburg, Germany. Ibai publishing, 2015, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (proceedings of 11th International Conference, MLDM 2015